Stewardship Committee
Stewardship acknowledges that God is the source of all our gifts and talents, and we are the caretakers of these gifts. Effective stewardship education and formation rely on leadership by example. Stewardship encourages us to make a difference and to become involved. It challenges individuals and families to re-examine their relationship with God, each other, the workplace, the community and the parish. It increases awareness and appreciation of the presence of the Lord in our lives. Where stewardship has been implemented, both givers’ and receivers’ lives have been changed. True conversion has taken place in the hearts and minds of many who embrace Stewardship as a way of life.
The promotion of the practice of stewardship is important for the mission of the Church and for the spiritual well-being of each individual Christian. “Everyone benefits from the sacrificial gift one makes of his time, talent and treasure” (Pope Benedict XVI). The Stewardship Committee facilitates and supports the growth of the Parish by responding with our Time, Talent and Treasure in response to God’s many gifts.
Sharing God’s Gifts
In the Bible, Jesus tells a story about a sower and his seed. The sower went to sow the seed. Some seed fell on the path and was trampled. Some seed fell on rocky ground and didn’t grow. Some seed fell among thorns and were choked. But some seed fell on good soil, grew and it produced fruit one hundredfold.
Jesus tells his friends what the story means. The seed is the word of God. Those on the path are the ones who have heard, but are distracted and do not believe.
Those on the rocky ground are the ones who receive the word of God with joy, but they believe only for a time and fall away in a time of trial. The seed that fell among the thorns is about the people who have heard the word of God, but as they go along are choked by the anxieties and riches of life. They fail to produce mature fruit.
But, the seed that fell on rich soil is about those who have heard the word of God and embrace it with a generous and good heart and bear fruit through perseverance. (adapted from Luke 8:4-15).
As Christians, we are all on a journey with God. At different points in the journey, we hear and accept the word of God in various ways.
Sometimes, what God has given us is not fully realized, nurtured or developed. Things like fear, doubt, anxiety, false values, and injustice can be like thorns that choke what God does in us. We can become less than that which God calls us to be – less alive, passionate, and joy-filled.
But as people who believe in God and follow Jesus, we have hope – and we persevere, God’s Holy Spirit is with us!
Christian stewards are called to be the rich soil described in Jesus’ parable, so that what God has planted in us may grow and bear fruit. When we respond to what God does in and for us with a good, generous and prayful heart, we will bear much fruit!
Each of us receives gifts from God that provide all we need to live life to the full and to bear good fruit on the journey. These are the gifts that each of us receives from God.
As Christian stewards, our task is to discover, celebrate, develop and use our gifts responsibly, and share them in love and in justice with others. Stewardship is about God’s gifts and how we respond to those gifts in our lives.
Created in the image and likeness of God, we too, are like the sower in Jesus’ parable when we witness to God’s word in us and share what we have with others.
By sharing God’s gifts, we have an opportunity to help others along the journey. We become what God calls us to be, and we work as faith-filled Christian stewards to help promote and realize God’s kingdom.
How do you share your Time, Talent and Treasure?
The Gift of Time
Service to our church and community consists of offering our time in activities such as serving the poor, volunteering at school, lecturing and taking communion to the home bound. The gift of time spent in prayer is just as important.
The Gift of Talent
God blesses us each with unique talents that can serve our church and community. By offering back those God-given talents to the church and one another, we are able to bless Him in return.
The Gift of Treasure
Though this is often the most difficult gift to offer back, experience shows that giving of your financial resources often produces the most fruit in the lives of those who make the sacrifice.