Our Mass Schedule
All Masses are in the Cathedral unless noted otherwise:
Saturday Evening
5 pm, 7:30 pm (Lower Hall), 7:30 pm (Spanish)
7 am, 8 am, 9:30 am, 10:30 am (Lower Hall), 11 am, 12:30 pm, 5 pm
6:30 am (not on Saturday), 7:45 am, 9 am (not on Saturday), 12:10 pm (not on Saturday)
Holy Days
Confession Times
Saturday, Sunday, Eve of Holy Day, and Eve of First Friday
4:00 pm to 4:45 pm
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday
Following the 6:30 am Mass
Following the 6:30 am, 7:45 am, and 12:10 pm Masses
Important DRVC Information
For anyone who believes they have a Sexual Abuse Claim against an Additional Debtor (parish) arising prior to December 3, 2024, the claim form to submit and related information can be found at https://dm.epiq11.com/case/